Angiogenesis inhibitor

Avixgen's angiogenesis inhibitor is a substance with a novel mechanism that dramatically reduces some potential side effects of other existing ones.

  • Side effects of existing angiogenesis inhibitors

  • The importance of the development of angiogenesis inhibitors has rapidly increased since the early 1970s, when the concept emerged in the United States that tumors would be eliminated if angiogenesis could be prevented.
  • Innovative technology that improves the side effects

    Avixgen's angiogenesis inhibitor acts on the receptor rather than VEGF itself and has a mechanism to selectively inhibit only VEGFR-2, not VEGFR-1. In other words, it is an innovative technology that improves the side effects of existing drugs that may occur when VEGFR-1 signaling is inhibited.

    Currently, AVI-3207 (A drug for age-related macular degeneration) has proven its safety and effectiveness in phase 1 clinical trials, and, on the other hand, phase 1 clinical trials for AVI-3307 (A drug for atopic dermatitis) are scheduled to be conducted after the development of its new formulation.

  • Differential mechanismSelective inhibition of
    VEGF signaling